Monday, September 30, 2019

Classical Approach to Management

CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION I. BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY Management in all business and organizational activities is the act of getting people together to accomplish desired goals and objectives using available resources efficiently and effectively. Management comprises planning, organizing, staffing, leading or directing, and controlling an organization (a group of one or more people or entities) or effort for the purpose of accomplishing a goal. Resourcing encompasses the deployment and manipulation of human resources, financial resources, technological resources and natural resources. In for-profit work, management has as its primary function the satisfaction of a range of stakeholders. This typically involves making a profit (for the shareholders), creating valued products at a reasonable cost (for customers) and providing rewarding employment opportunities (for employees). In nonprofit management, add the importance of keeping the faith of donors. In most models of management/governance, shareholders vote for the board of directors, and the board then hires senior management. Some organizations have experimented with other methods (such as employee-voting models) of selecting or reviewing managers; but this occurs only very rarely. In the public sector of countries constituted as representative democracies, voters elect politicians to public office. Such politicians hire many managers and administrators, and in some countries like the United States political appointees lose their jobs on the election of a new president/governor/mayor. Since organizations can be viewed as systems, management can also be defined as human action, including design, to facilitate the production of useful outcomes from a system. This view opens the opportunity to ‘manage' oneself, a pre-requisite to attempting to manage others. II. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM Management is often included as a factor of production along with machines, materials and money. According to the management guru Peter Drucker (1909–2005), the basic task of a management is twofold: marketing and innovation. The problem of this research is how to use the classical approach to management in this researcher's job as a manager and determine how it affects the interlocking functions of formulating corporate policy and organizing, planning, controlling, and directing the firm's resources to achieve the policy's objectives. III. OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY The researcher aims to use the classical approach to management as a manager, and employ Henri Fayol's general theory of management which consists of six primary functions of management and 14 principles of management, and Frederick Taylor's scientific management which focuses on improving economic efficiency, especially labor productivity. IV. SYNOPSIS As the manager, this researcher will lay down the framework of organization first by creating the top-level managers. They will be responsible for controlling and overseeing the entire organization. They will develop goals, strategic plans, company policies, and make decisions on the direction of the business. In addition, the top-level managers will be involved in the mobilization of outside resources and will be accountable to the shareholders and general public. In order to establish a strong, well-founded, and steady workflow, the researcher will integrate Fayol's Principles of Management in outlining the business policy that will include: a) the mission of the business which is the most obvious purpose: b) the vision of the business which reflects its aspirations and specifies its intended direction or future destination: c) the objective of the business which refers to the ends or activity at which a certain task is aimed; d) the business policy that will stipulate rules, regulations and objectives, and may be used in the managers' ecision-making(it must be flexible and easily interpreted and understood by all employees; and e) the business strategy which will coordinate plans of actions that it is going to take, as well as the resources that it will use, to realize its vision and long-term objectives, and will also serve as a guideline to managers, stipulating how they ought to allocate and utilize the factors of production to the busine ss's advantage. During the operational stage, the researcher will employ Taylor's principles in maintaining economic efficiency emphasizing the prevention of interpersonal friction between workers and managers, and social tensions between the blue-collar and white-collar classes. To do this, the workforce will be given one seat to the Board of Directors so that they will be properly represented in ventilating their concerns. One good example of Taylor's and Fayol's approaches is the case of Bergen Community College (BCC) Bergen  Community College  is a diverse organization that consists of many different departments. The manager who supervises this college is responsible for over 500 employees and a customer (student) base of over 12,000. It is important for a manger to look at the needs of the students and then try to implement the best management system that satisfies all the members of the organization. One factor to look at is the environment of BCC. The main factors that concern the general environment of BCC are the economic conditions, social conditions and the technological factors. At the present time, the  economic factors  are favorable to BCC. The economy is doing well and most people are earning a higher income. This allows people to go to school and it also allows parents to send their children to school. Since the economy is doing well, there is more competition in the workplace, so one needs a higher education to move into a better position. Also, people could work less and make the same amount of money, thus freeing up time to attend classes at a school. All of these  economic factors lead to an increase in enrollment. However, these are not the only theories that are found in management. Many ther theories exist, and they all focus on a different aspect of management. The  Quantitative Approach  uses quantitative techniques, such as statistics and computer simulations, to improve decision-making. The Organizational Approach  is concerned with the behaviors of people at work. This theory has led to such things as human resources management, teamwork, motivation and leadership qualities. However, there are also some disadvantages that may occur. One disadvantage is that with less supervision, the employees may not work hard, thus decreasing performance. Also, there may be some bitterness between co-workers, decreasing the overall performance of the group will decrease. Instead of doing what is best for the organization, the workers may do things only for their benefit or makes them look good and not care about their peers or the organization. All of these forces in BCC’s general environment are affecting BCC in a positive way. They are causing the enrollment of BCC to increase. As a result, there are many factors in its specific forces that are becoming more complex. These factors are the suppliers, customers, competition, government agencies, and special interest. The suppliers are complex because there is a large number of customers at BCC. Thus, BCC has to ensure that they have proper furniture, classrooms, computers, and other everyday necessities. At the same time, the computer system of the various departments has to be properly maintained to make sure that the student’s records are properly kept. Also, proper maintenance of the buildings has to be maintained. This rapidly changing environment makes the job of any manager extremely difficult. However, she needs to take advantage of the good economy to increase the enrollment at the school as well as try and receive extra funding from the government and special interest groups to expand the school and the programs offered. At the same time, the manger needs to be aware of the competition for the students from the four-year universities and the increasing number of vocational schools. Also, the manager needs to make sure that the staff is doing its most to satisfy the needs of the customers V. DEFINITION OF TERMS 1. Scientific management – also called Taylorism, was a theory of management that analyzed and synthesized workflows. 2. Administrative management – management approach that concentrates on the total organization. The emphasis is on the development of managerial principles rather than work methods. 3. Top-Level Managers – Typically consist of board of directors, president, vice-president, CEO, etc. They are responsible for controlling and overseeing the entire organization. They develop goals, strategic plans, company policies, and make decisions on the direction of the business. In addition, top-level managers play a significant role in the mobilization of outside resources and are accountable to the shareholders and general public. 4. Workforce – VI. LIMITATION OF THE STUDY This research primarily aims to use the classical approach to management in this researcher's job as manager in a private business enterprise and does not include political, educational, and financial institutions. It focuses on employing Frederick Taylor's and Henry Fayol's management approaches to find out its effects in today's marketing and innovations. CHAPTER 2 METHODOLOGY I. RESEARCH DESIGN This research is designed in several components: Document analysis, surveys of similar business enterprises, and interviews of managements and workforce, and assessment of findings. II. SAMPLING PROCEDURES The researcher will employ the stratified sampling technique so that the identified business enterprises that will be included in the sample will be represented in the same proportion that they exist in the population to enable the researcher draw appropriate inferences. The researcher also believe that this technique could lead to a more efficient statistical estimates. CHAPTER 3 I. THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK According to Fayol's theory, there were six primary functions of management namely; forecasting, planning, organizing, commanding, coordinating, and monitoring; and 14 principles of management namely; Division of work, Authority, Discipline. , Unity of command, Unity of direction. Subordination of individual interests to the general interest, Remuneration, Centralisation, Scalar chain, Order, Equity. , Stability of tenure of personnel, Initiative, and Esprit de corps. Frederick Taylor  is often called the â€Å"father of scientific management. Taylor believed that organizations should study tasks and develop precise procedures. As an example, in 1898, Taylor calculated how much iron from rail cars Bethlehem Steel plant workers could be unloading if they were using the correct movements, tools, and steps. The result was an amazing 47. 5 tons per day instead of the mere 12. 5 tons each worker had been averaging. In addition, by redesigning the shov els the workers used, Taylor was able to increase the length of work time and therefore decrease the number of people shoveling from 500 to 140. Lastly, he developed an incentive system that paid workers more money for meeting the new standard. Productivity at Bethlehem Steel shot up overnight. As a result, many theorists followed Taylor's philosophy when developing their own principles of management. Utilizing Frederick Taylor's and Henri Fayol's principles of management, with little modification so as to adapt to the modern world of marketing and innovations, this researcher believes that interpersonal and social clashes will be minimized if not avoided, and a cost-effective, well-organized, competent, and efficient business enterprise would be established. II. CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK The conceptual framework of this researcher focuses on using the classical approach to management in his job as a manager that aims to establish whether it is still effective in today's modern world of marketing and innovations. The substance of this study will primarily be dependent on the researcher's data that will come from document analysis, surveys, interviews, and assessment of findings. III. ANALYTICAL FRAMEWORK The purpose of this research is to use the classical approach to management in this researcher's job as manager to find out if the principle is still effective in today's modern marketing and innovations. The type of research design used here is qualitative and institutional in nature. This entails the data analysis which will be extracted from the following: 1) document analysis; 2) surveys; 3) interviews; and 4) assessment of findings. This researcher then collates the data gathered from these areas to ascertain whether the classical approach could still play a vital role in the management of modern systems of business enterprises.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

About Peter S. Essay

Father-relationship Describe his father He is different to his father Contentment a sense of belonging home a place of happiness Peter feels he is disconnecting to his heritage His garden was his pride and garden†¦ father has strong sense of belonging to his garden and home Hyperbole From the soil he turned and the tobacco he rolled†¦ juxtapositions of hard work and pleasure†¦father loves smoking, as it is part of tradition and culture Stanza 3 he’s describing gestures that are associated with polish culture. Australians are more casual and â€Å"he didn’t get used to it† He’s describing life in Poland Blue eyes represent purity Stanza 4 – optimistic, Positive, father always focus on positive Stanza 5 – picked up polish while he was a child †¦ negative†¦clash of cultures Stanza 6 – after negative tone this stanza comes more positive Imagery – As he was struggling with complex English he forgot his connection to the polish language..becoming australianised .. and he repeated it so I never forgot† sense if guilt Using one of the scenes listed and your knowledge of the film as a whole Techniques, structures effect//what do we learn about from Explain how relationships lead to a deeper understanding of the world in Peter Weir’s film Witness *Raising the barn *The chicken pen scene *The police invade the Amish community *The attack in the town Introduction: Through close analysis of Peter Weir’s film â€Å"Witness† a deeper understanding of the world can be achieved through the relationships between characters. In the film â€Å"Witness† Peter Weir uses effective language and film techniques to offer a deeper understanding of the world. This is made evident through the close analysis of the relationships within the film. Body Paragraph: Topic sentence: (identify a key relationship in the film) Evidence in film/elaboration: (refer to a key scene where this relationship is presented) Examples including techniques: (identify film/language techniques within the scene) Explain what we learn from the above example/ the effect: (what do we learn about the relationship in the examples) Think findings back to the Q using key words (what do you learn from the relationships about the world)

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Separation of Colored Molecules Based on their Molecular Lab Report

Separation of Colored Molecules Based on their Molecular - Lab Report Example Chromatography is the method used in separating and analyzing complex mixtures. The separation process consists of a moving phase and a stationary phase. The mixture that is to be isolated is in the moving phase and it is made to pass through the immobile phase. Gel filtration is a procedure by which molecules are removed from a mixture based on their molecular shape and size. In gel filtration chromatography, the stationary phase consists of beads that have pores which span a narrow range that determines the size of the macromolecules to be fractioned. Large molecules that are large to enter the pores of the beads are separated thus comes out of the column first. Examples of gels used in gel filtration are Dextran, Polyacrylamide, and Agarose. When the column of Sephadex gel particles are packed: the volume of the solvent in the beads makes the internal volume (Vi) and that outside makes the external volume (Ve). The volume of the polymer forms the gel matrix volume (Vg). Bed volume is given by: The elution volume of a molecular substance is the volume of solvent that is needed to move out of that substance. Its least amount is the void volume. Small molecules have higher volume available them than the void volume. Where Kd is the coefficient of distribution and molecules have Kd between 0 and 1.The gel filtration column is divided into proteins of known molecular weight and then the Kd of each protein is calculated. The graph of Kd against log10 molecular weight is plotted and this graph allows the molecular weight of the unknown protein to be read from it. The buffer on top of the column was allowed to drain up to the level of the gel until the meniscus just disappeared.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Two Descriptions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Two Descriptions - Essay Example With tears of grief in my eyes, I looked helplessly at the pale moon. Imagining my father’s face in the moon, to me the thin strands of black clouds across it appeared as black hair combed back across the top of my father’s head. The sky was crying with me, I stared at her as she turned her beautifully sculptured face towards the sky once again as if remembering that dear one once again and gave out a cry of grief. My heart cried with her and the dark night cried with us too. The roar of the thunder made me cry even more and as I watched her disappear along the street, I once again became aware of my loneliness. The night seemed to engulf me into its eerie darkness and helplessly I eyed the rain drops sliding down my window pane as tears rolled down my face. From the kitchen window, one night I saw a beautiful woman playfully jerking back her rain sleeked coat with such joy that people crossing the road turned around to laugh with her. Rain drops drizzled off the brim of her beautiful hat. Tonight the rain was exceptionally serene and I wanted to dance to the rhythm of the falling raindrops. I gazed out at the happy woman as she lifted her face up to the sky and smiled at the moon. I followed her gaze and stared at the faint moon peeking from the dark wisps of clouds. I imagined my father’s smiling face in the moon, to me the thin strands of black clouds across it appeared as black hair combed back across the top of my father’s head. The sky seemed to shed tears of happiness as I laughed out loud remembering my father’s little pranks. The woman danced gingerly on the damp street and turned her gaze once again to the smiling moon. Rain drops kissed her face as she closed her eyes and lifted her face up to the sky. The rain droplets seemed to tinkle her face because she gave out a cry of joy and pleasure. I laughed with her as the sky brightened with lightening and the thunder

Thursday, September 26, 2019

History of asian immagration to the U.S Research Paper

History of asian immagration to the U.S - Research Paper Example An understanding of the history as well as the reasons for the rampant immigrations has been a major concern for all people in the world. Indeed, several contributing factors are evident (Fowler, 2007). The emigration policies that had been set in each of the Asian countries, and their relationship with the immigration policies at work in the United States has been a long term factor that contributing to the Asian immigration into the American countries. The second rationale en tails the linkage between the United States and the Asian countries in relation to economical, political, social, as well as military linkages. A third migration cause is the aspect of globalization, in the fact that the world has been modified recently to appear like a small city where people can move to and fro. This has also made the movement process easy, making the movement of the Asians into the United States year by year. ... The discussion in this paper provides in formation on the history and present day immigration of the Asians into the United States. It will also provide an overview of literature, which has been documented over the years concerning the immigration and the immigration policies. It is also deemed crucial to analyze an immigration case, for instance, the current movements to the United States and their relationships with immigration policies and laws. More over, a comprehensive discussion is important when provided to provide a wide scope overview of the Asian immigration to the United States issue as well as the impacts. Literature review A lot of literature has been documented regarding Asian immigration to the United States. The history of migration dates back to the inception of agrarian, industrialization, as well as globalization periods. Theorists have also been on their onset to propose rampant theories that explain emigration immigration issues. Major empirical studies have als o been conducted, providing distinct findings for the immigration studies (Fowler, 2007). History of the immigration The history of Asian immigration to the United States dates back in 1850’s. Different waves have been seen arrive the united states over the years, the first wave arriving in 1850 in the city of California. The reason for the referral inform of waves is conformity with immigration laws that have Marjory controlled the immigration trends. The first and the second waves having arrived in 1850 and 1882 respectively, laws were set regarding a stop of immigrants from Asia moving in to the United States. The 1970 again saw a restoration of the immigration laws that enabled other

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Perception and Individual Decision-Making & Motivation Concepts Essay

Perception and Individual Decision-Making & Motivation Concepts - Essay Example Employee attitudes can be influenced by various issues and the worst among them is racial background. Racialism as a source of employee attitude leads to the development of negative attitudes among employees. Normally, the attitudes of employees of an organization affects the organization in various ways. First, it affects their own productivity, often without their awareness. Reisig and  Lovrichh (1998) explains that positive attitudes result to improved productivity and such employees are characterized by self-motivation, hard work, drive to achieve, good moods and happy faces to all. On the other hand, negative attitudes lead to reduced productivity both for individuals and teams, rudeness and even aggressiveness. Ray (2001) explains that employee attitudes can be very infectious. Within a short time, other employees can pick up negative attitudes from fellow workers and adopt them as their own. Team spirit is very important for the success of an organization and where group att itudes arise, they can either foster or frustrate this. A positive team attitude makes employees to want to works together for the good of the company whereas a negative attitude discourages team work. Employees of one race, tribe or any other dividing factor will not be willing to work together with their counterparts. One type of organization that can really be affected by poor attitudes among its staff is prison. Poor attitudes among correctional staff in a state prison could affect other aspects of that prison like its security, management of inmates, designing of teams for employee shifts and coexistence among inmates. The development of poor attitudes can lead to disunity among employees of different racial groups and as such, employees arrange themselves along racial lines when changing shifts and forming teams (Ray, 2001). This is so negative considering that at any one time, there might be no equal number of employees from different racial background. This means a group con taining a mixture of races will work in hatred and disunity. Some could even end up subordinating others. Hatred along racial lines could also spreads from staffs to the inmates where they form gangs whose loyalties are defined by race or ethnicity (Kane, 2001). This has the potential of causing detrimental effects on the prison for example, it can lead to gang violence, riots and physical altercations. Divisions along racial lines may also threaten the security of the prison and everybody else where prison staffs ignore unacceptable actions by done by inmates from their racial or ethnic backgrounds. This means that some individual inmates or group of inmates will have the freedom to oppress fellow inmates or smuggle things in and out of the prison. On the other hand, the other inmates will have little support whenever they voice their concerns. Poor attitudes among prison staff affects how inmates are treated in that some will conservative and hard-lined when dealing with inmates w hereas other will be less strict and liberal. The greatest level of disunity, disagreement and arguments is seen when such attitudes are displayed by employees from various ethnic, racial and gender backgrounds. Poor attitudes a

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

TESCO PLC Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

TESCO PLC - Essay Example As the business grew, the company decided to diversify its products into areas like retailing clothing, electronics, furniture, books, software and petrol. It also offers financial services, internet services, telecoms, music downloads and DVD rentals (Tesco, 2013). The growth that the company has is down to the strategies that the company operates on. Current Strategy Used By the Company Now A check of the company’s procedures and activities, one strategy that is clearly visible is the digitization of its every operation and department. The company has extensively embraced technology and this has been its chief cause for its continued growth. It employs people who have the ability of utilizing technology to the maximum and come up with products that will foster its sales. One of the most recent technological developments that the company has made is the creation of its own-brand hardware. The hardware is installed in the Hudl tablet, which is sold at the numerous stores. The tablet was created to cater for every need of its customers. The tablet also is installed with all the digital services offered by the company making it an all in one gadget where people can find the companies music and Blinkbox movies. It also has Clubcard TV shopping for clothing, groceries, general merchandize and banking. ... g the company as much near as it can to people and this has made it to come up with the scan as you shop and drive-thru click-and-collect services (Tesco, 2013). Approximately 300,000 of its worldwide customers use the scan as you shop services. The drive-thru collection points have been widely opened within and a person living far from the company’s branch can order what he or she wants then goes and collects them at this points. This strategy has seen it open shops of different sizes and having different products. The largest stores opened are the Tesco Extras stores, mainly the hypermarkets, which are meant to serve its out of town customers. The Tesco Extras have all the products and services range that the company offers to its customers. The Tesco Superstores are normally the standard supermarkets and store a fewer non-food goods in them. To create harmony of its operations and ensure it is flexible in its operations, the company uses the strategy of having different org anizational structures in the different countries it is located in. the structure a certain branch is to adopt, should help in its operations as different regions and environments bring about different needs ( Mcloughlin & Aaker, 2010). These organizations structures determine the people who the branches hire to help reach their goals and contribute to their growth. The company also has a website that is managed around the clock. The website helps in online selling of its product, answering any queries some of its customers have and dealing with any complaints from them. This website greatly helps in the advertisement of the company and its branches and in the collection of valuable data from its customers that help in its operations (Fernie, 2005). The Positives of the Strategies The used

Monday, September 23, 2019

Read and answers-1 Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Read and answers-1 - Coursework Example Stuxnet can also be attributed to the destruction of a fifth of Iran’s nuclear centrifuges (Loudon, 2). Stuxnet is feared because when it attacks the industrial system of a company, it takes control of the critical operations such as alarms, pumps and motors. It can lead to nuclear malfunction and even explosions. In most cases of a malware attack, industries collapse and the security details of a country compromised. For Stuxnet to be effective, a person is needed to help spread the malware to the targeted computer. An infected USB flash drive is introduced to the computer. Once the malware is in the computer system, it scans for Siemens Step7 software  that controls the PLC. The presence of a person with the motive to spread the malware is, therefore, necessary. Neither Iran nor American spectators view Stuxnet as an act of war. If it were to be considered an act of war, one of the countries would be immune to the effects of Stuxnet. Instead, various countries have been significantly affected and are at risk of more attacks. Even if the powerful nations have the ability to launch the attack, they do not have the ability to protect themselves from any malware that affects their

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Media Violence Begets Societal Violence Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Media Violence Begets Societal Violence - Essay Example Violence incorporates any social behaviour that has intent to harm another person, and includes physical violence, verbal abuse, aggressive behaviour and intimidation; all of which are exposed to children from a very young age within their own homes. How often do we read about children as young as seven or eight seriously harming a younger child; not so long ago it was reported in the media that a boy of around that age murdered a toddler. Nobody could understand how such a terrible thing could occur. The child had grown up within a loving and caring family; there was no evidence of violence in the home and violence had not been identified as a trait throughout the history of either parents. Yet, the fact is, this young child had not only contemplated the idea of serious physical abuse but actually knew how to go about it. It is difficult to suppose that such behaviour and such sordid knowledge was innate or instinctive. It is common knowledge that humans at the top of the evolutiona ry ladder are actually born devoid of instinct, unlike other animals, and only survive based on the care of a mother. Children as they grow up learn by imitation and copying what they see and parents and teachers reinforce them when the behaviour is appropriate. The child therefore, must have been exposed to such display and if it was not within the family and school, the only avenue left open is the media. When considering fictitious violence on the television or in other media, we find that it is glamourised; yes we have the bad characters that get caught and pay the price, but more often than not the heroes of the program are also involved with violence that is condoned with no reprimand. Victims are rarely portrayed as any real victim, the real damage and long term effects of violence are not revealed so again to some extent even the victims are glamourised. Violence that is presented with humour has even more potential for adverse effects on children because it is trivialized u nder the guise of humour. Cartoons are a prime example, wherein we find violence that is quite fierce, with the executor in an appealing role and the victim although suffering a plethora of violent actions never really suffering or dying. Such fantasy in the mind of very young children must pose potential threat; they are not always able to distinguish the difference between reality and fantasy. Violence among adolescents and young adults is increasing; we only have to look on the streets of most cities in the world to witness thuggery, gang warfare, rape and murder. Many people blame this upsurge of social violence on drugs, unemployment and poverty; while there is no denying that such factors have impacted on social harmony and that there are significantly more reports of street violence today than there was twenty or thirty years ago because of drug abuse and other negative social and economical issues, media violence must also play a part. Media itself has illustrated that altho ugh many adults take drugs, are unemployed and live in poverty the rate of violence and abuse for adult populations, at least within developed countries, has not increased

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Component of Computer System Essay Example for Free

Component of Computer System Essay Output devices: Monitor printer, plotter and voice output device, Modem, Automotive navigation system, Projector. Peripheral device that converts machine-readable information into people-readable information. Processing devices: CPU,  Motherboard, Chipset, bus, RAM. Hardware components process information within the computer system. Storage devices: Hard disk drives and  compact disk  drives. Hardware components allow data to be stored within a computer system. Software components of a computer system have no physical presence; they are stored in digital form within computer memory. System software is an  operating system  designed to operate and control the  computer hardware  and to provide a platform for running  application software. Utility software: anti-virus software, firewalls, disk defragmenters. Which helps to maintain and protect the computer system but does not directly interface with the hardware. Applications software: Web browsers, Office software, Games, Multimedia Software, Database Software, and Graphic Software. Designed to allow the user of the system complete a specific task or set of tasks. Different  types of computer software. Programming software, system software and application software are the three main types of computer software used in computer networking. Programmers use the programming software to develop the programming languages necessary to run computer software. Compliers, interpreters, linkers and text editors are some of the basic tools used in programming software. System software offers a protective shield to all software applications. It also provides support to the physical components of computers. System software †¢ Operating system software(windows, Linux, Mac) †¢ Utility programs (anti-virus software, firewalls, disk defragmenters. †¢ Library programs †¢ Translator software (Compiler, assembler, interpreter) Application software is used for commercial purpose. The application software is widely used in educational, business and medical fields. Industrial automation, databases, business software and medical software prove to be of great help in the respective fields. Web browsers, Office software, Games, Multimedia Software, Database Software, and Graphic Software. Application software †¢ General purpose application software. †¢ Special purpose application software. †¢ Bespoke application software

Friday, September 20, 2019

Development of Primary Health Organizations in New Zealand

Development of Primary Health Organizations in New Zealand Body The delivery of healthcare services to the people in every nation had always been a problem for the government considering there are a lot of factors affecting its delivery. New Zealand is an example of a government which delivers healthcare to its citizens and permanent residents through public subsidies and private insurance. Even with the help of private insurance, there still exist a number of problems faced by the government. These problems revolve in the availability and accessibility of healthcare services. New Zealand has its concerns and these barriers to healthcare can be categorized into four: economic barriers, utilisation and socio-economic status, interplay of material, cultural and geographic factors, and the implications for the wider health system (Barnett R. and Barnett P. 2003). All of these factors have had an implication in the shaping of the national healthcare policy. The social and economic inequality within New Zealand has widen substantially, thus new initiatives have been made to address such problems. The government has learned its lessons from the previous health system and is now undergoing constant changes and improvements. The policy formulated is now more focused on cooperative over competitive models of service provision and giving emphasis on the delivery of primary care as the key in achieving its goal of health for all and as a sign of overall improvement in the health system (Barnett R. and Barnett P. 2003). Ref: Barnett, R., Barnett, P. (April 3, 2003). Primary Health Care in New Zealand: Problems and Policy Approaches. Retrieved from Evidence of New Zealand’s attempts to develop better equitable policies was the implementation of New Zealand Health Strategy and Primary Health Care Strategy (Minister of Health, 2001). The former had anticipated new arrangements and have chosen district health boards (DHBs) to implement these new policies. Within the charter of DHBs is the Primary Health Care Strategy (more recent) that suggests new organisational structures. This newly proposed structure is known as primary health organisations (PHOs), to solve problems relating to accessibility and availability in the provision of healthcare services. Moreover, primary health organisations address the lack of co-ordination between health providers. Although the district health boards (DHBs) are well established and setting up of Primary health organisations is going well, there still lies uncertainty about achieving equity in the provision of health (Barnett R. and Barnett P. 2003). Economic Barriers to Primary Health Care in New Zealand Just like in many other developed countries, the economic restructuring in New Zealand and the abolishment welfare state had led to the increase incidence of poverty (Waldegrave et al. 1995, Jamieson 1998) and socio-economic disparities in health (Ministry of Health, 2000). In the beginning with the legislation of Social Security in 1938, medical services have been provided as free of service to the people through government subsidies. However, it is also true that the subsidies did not cover 100% of the total cost of patient care. At first the effect to the masses was minor during 1970s where there is â€Å"long boom† of prosperity in New Zealand. Then again, in 1980 the utilisation of the GP and other health services from the ethnic groups, including the positive class are diminishing due to the economic restructuring and growing cost of doctor fees (Gribben 1992, Barnett and Kearns 1996). Utilisation and Socio-Economic Status The utilisation of health services according to socio-economic status is mixed in New Zealand. A recent survey from the National Health Survey 1996/97 (Ministry of Health 1999) reports that people with low-income status are more likely to have a higher frequency of visits to General Practitioner than families from a more affluent areas or people with a higher income. However, the results from the survey shows that people living in a less well-off area have a late seeking behaviour and less visits to GPs because of cost. Key results from the survey are as follows: People had continued to express their dissatisfaction towards the cost of GP fees. The percentage of patients who considered the GPs fee expensive as â€Å"too high† or â€Å"far too high† rose from 32.3% to 68.3% from people paying $10 – $14 and $15 $19 and some rose to 90% from people paying $25 or more (Fergusson et al. 1989). Patients with financial difficulties in obtaining health services opt to have a number of strategies, both active and passive, such as; late seeking behaviour of care, delay in obtaining medication and seeking financial help from GPs (Barnett R. and Barnett P. 2003). Patients frequently change their doctors even when they don’t want to. The introduction of Community Service Card (CSC) in 1992 is relatively ineffective in accessing the health provision of care. There is a high level of unmet need among CSC population. The reason for a rising unmet needs among the population group was partly due to low usage by those entitled and the stigma attached to it (Barnett R. and Barnett P. 2003). Interplay of Material, Cultural and Geographic Factors Low utilisation of health services in relation to health needs cannot be attached to cost alone. According to Barnett et al. (2003) it is also because of the interplay of factors; material, cultural and geographic factors. It was proved in a survey that MÄ ori and low-income New Zealanders have a low rate of GP utilisation given that the centres where set up to provide service in a low-income population. The health centres were there to improve access to care to MÄ ori and low-income populace. The cost for the provision of service was reduced as compared to the average cost. It was clear in the survey that financial barrier was not the reason but rather cultural values and expectations as well as the benefits from the services rendered (Barnett R. and Barnett P. 2003). It is also important to consider the geographic factors in understanding the levels of GP utilisation. There is a strong relationship between distance and patterns of use in both hospital and GP services; it is also not surprising that there is a sub pattern to it. People with poorer population have a 30% less expenditure or budget in health as compared to the well-off population with 40% over funding as computed by the Health Funding Authority (Malcolm 1998b). It shows that the basing on the budget in each region, the number of GP available is also dependent on the budget, thus with low budget comes less number of available GP and health centres while areas with higher budget comes a larger number of GPs available (Barnett R. and Barnett P. 2003). Implications for the wider health system New Zealand research had been focused on the different patterns in GP and hospitalisation utilisation. However, there is also another reason that can be attributed to the low health status among low-income population in the access of health care services. There is a relationship between patient admission and average length of hospital stay. Reducing the average length of stay contributes in the increased rate of readmissions within the poor (Barnett R. and Barnett P. 2003). One factor that might have an effect in the rate of readmissions among the poor is that the access to primary care is prevented by circumstances such as distance, cost and availability of the service itself. It is said that the importance of primary care is great in reducing or limiting hospitalisation (Barnett R. and Barnett P. 2003). Primary Health Organisation Model To address the problems New Zealand has in the delivery of health care and to provide equity to all, new initiatives were created. The development of primary care organisations (PHOs) created new frameworks for health service delivery and an avenue for change. Not only it involves the general practitioner and the community but it includes a wide variety of health providers to achieve the goal of giving equity in the access of health care provision. PHOs are a broad based organisation comprised of many primary care providers. These providers include midwives, iwi groups, and non-government organisations aside from General Practitioners. The new system is locally based, funds were computed through the affected population and PHOs are given an important role in formulating new public health initiatives. Partnership with MÄ ori and with Pacific communities is expected and where if needed, Ethnic group representation in the governance is allowed (Barnett R. and Barnett P. 2003). Potential Benefits of PHOs Upon the development of Primary Health Organisations, there are three potentials benefits that can be gained. One would be the likelihood of improving the population health is higher as compared to before, the rate of hospital admission will decrease and an empowerment to both the health providers and the consumer. Although after the introduction of capitation, in itself, is not an assurance of an improved population health and access to health. However, there are evidence claiming that a country with strong primary health care and a fewer barriers to healthcare accessibility have a better health outcomes (Barnett R. and Barnett P. 2003). A better primary health care have another advantage of potentially reducing the rate of admissions in hospitals. It is an important factor in determining health outcomes in New Zealand, given the case that it has a high rate of hospital admissions. With higher rate of admissions means higher hospital expenditure for the government. Although, there is no clear relationship between access to primary care and hospital admissions, there exist evidence that shows a reduction in healthcare cost reduces Ambulatory care sensitive (ACS) admissions just like in the United States. Some studies in New Zealand back it up with data showing after the removal of patient charges for consultation; a significant decline in hospitalisation was seen (Barnett R. and Barnett P. 2003). Lastly, with the development of primary health organisations with a greater emphasis in community will have the potential in increasing social empowerment in the poorer and disadvantage populations. This is important because cultural and economic barriers influence health seeking behaviour of an individual. Moreover, with the goal of fostering a broader links between health organisations, the potential of having a more holistic and social model of health is made. It has the possibility of not only improving the access to care but also other social conditions that foster inequalities in health (Barnett R. and Barnett P. 2003). Conclusion The development of the Primary Health Care Strategy and the recent move toward the development of PHOs in New Zealand has the potential to improve equity of access to care, reduce unnecessary hospitalisation and improve overall population health. It represents a fundamental shift in national primary health care policy away from an individual to a population focus (although this has been emerging among primary care organisations for some time), and from fee-for-service to a funding approach stressing capitation with reduced co-payments, with inter-regional distribution of funds based on population need. The potential is for a fairer system of primary health care where services will be more freely available to those in need (Barnett R. and Barnett P. 2003). However, improved equity of access may be difficult to achieve, given the problems and risks in developing PHOs. In New Zealand these include fragmentation of providers, inadequate attention to the regional sensitivity of allocation formulas, concern over the extent to which funding should be based on individuals or areas, and the extent to which full participation of both providers and the public is secured. Given the significant additional investment by the government, PHOs will need to demonstrate not only fairer access to primary care reductions in health inequalities, but also improvements in population health overall (Barnett R. and Barnett P. 2003). . Gribben, B. (1992) Do access factors affect utilisation of general practitioners in South AucklandNew Zealand Medical Journal, 105:453-455. Barnett, J.R. and R.A. Kearns (1996) Shopping around?: Consumerism and the use of private accident and medical clinics in Auckland, New ZealandEnvironment and Planning A,28:1053-1075. Waldegrave, C., R.J. Stephens and P. Frater (1995)Most Recent Findings of the New Zealand Poverty Measurement Project, The Family Centre, Lower Hutt. Minister of Health (2001a)Minimum Requirements for Primary Health Organisations, Minister of Health, Wellington. Minister of Health (2001b)The New Zealand Health Strategy, Minister of Health, Wellington. Jamieson, K. (1998)Poverty and Hardship in Christchurch, Christchurch City Council, Christchurch.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Charles Ginnever :: essays research papers

Charles Ginnever   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  A artist that I take a liking to his interesting pieces of work is Charles Ginnever. Charles Ginnever was born in San Mateo, California in 1931. Charles studied both in the United States and in Europe From 1949 - 1959. He started out in San Mateo Junior College in 1949 and completed his Associates degree in 1951. In 1953 Charles moved to Paris, France and studied at Alliance Francaise. He was not done in Europe and moved on to Universita per Stranieri in Perugia, Italy in 1954.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Charles didn’t stop there and went back to Paris, France to study at Academire de la Grande Chaumiere under the Great teacher Ossip Zadkine in 1955. From there it was off to Aterier 17 in Paris, France to study with Stanley W. Hayter. In 1956 Charles Ginnever moved back to the Untied States and studied at the California University of Fine Arts in San Francisco where here received his B.F.A. In 1959, Charles Finally finished his education at Cornell University in Ithaca, New York with a M..F.A..   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  After finishing his studies, Charles Ginnever took up teaching positions at many different universities and institutes. Some of these schools included Cornell University, Pratt Institute, University of California at Berkeley and many more schools across the country. Charles has been given many awards and commissions for his works in sculpture. He has most recently been awarded the Lee Krasner Foundation â€Å"Lifetime Achievement Award†.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Charles Ginnever sculptures have been and are on display at many museums, parks and galleries. These museums include the San Francisco Museum, Indianapolis Museum of Art, Seattle Art Museum, Metropolitan Museum of Art, Los Angeles Museum of Art, and many more. Some of the parks are Laumeier Sculpture Park, Storm King Art Center, and many more.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Charles Ginnever is best know for his large scale works of art that are made for the outdoors. His sculptures are placed throughout the United States, Philippines, and Australia.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ginnever achieves a feeling of order in his work by working in straight forward ways with familiar elements. These element are flat lengths of steel and spaced out in different areas along the ground. They are put together by welding the ends of the steel together.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Charles’ sculptures are meant to be seen by stepping back and seeing the pieces from a distance. As the point of view shifts, the wide strips of steel become thin lines, that make certain angles vanish as others come into view.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Essay examples --

To what extent were the slaves lives affected by the Civil War? Before, During, and After. The American Civil War began officially on April 12 1861, and it lasted all the way to May 10th 1865. The War began not for the reason of eradicating slavery but to save the Union, but later the motive changed slowly but surely into fighting to eliminate slavery from the United States. When the war begun Union troops were fighting to save the Union but later Lincoln realized that he needs to find a way to free the slaves in the rebellion states in order to win the war and the coming election. The South was using slaves to aid them in the war. The slaves did things like, transferring artillery to battlefields and serving as nurses. During the war President Abraham Lincoln declared the Emancipation Proclamation demanding the freedom of slaves in the rebellion. (The more than 1 million slaves in the loyal border states and in the Union-occupied parts of Louisiana and Virginia were not affected by this proclamation.) Lincoln did not prohibit slavery in the border states out of fear that they might secede from the Union. Some would argue that the reason the Emancipation Pr oclamation was made possible is by the slaves themselves. Even though this still remains a debate, no one can argue the fact that African-Americans had a significant role in the making of the Emancipation Proclamation. The slaves aided the Union troops by fleeing Southern plantations and signing up for the war. For the first time in American history Blacks were allowed to be slightly seen as equals to Whites. For a little while before the Emancipation Proclamation came into full effect, some Union troops were confused about what to do about fugitive slaves. They weren't s... ... just all the white people in the south living condition was in a bad state. The conditions of the African-Americans were much worse. After being free most did not know where to go and did not have a place to stay. Abraham lincoln had promised suffrage for the freed-blacks but that did not come to fruition because of the execution of the president. In th south there was a lack of enforcing the the 14th amendment. And during this time is when the south gave birth to the Jim Crow law. Jim Crow law is the segregation in society of everything that is shared, including bathrooms, restaurants, and schools. After aiding the North in victory of the war, the North left the freed-blacks high and dry. The Jim Crow law made African-Americans second class citizens for almost a century. The Jim Crow mainly took place in the south and the border states; former slave owning states.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Charm City :: Essays Papers

Charm City The bitter winds blow off the Chesapeake as we drive the Uhaul down the old cobblestone street toward our new apartment. My stomach flips with excitement. I'm actually moving to Baltimore. "Charm City." "The City That Reads." (At least this is what all the bus benches claim, but I'm sure many would argue.). The city where a young George Herman Ruth, Jr. swung a stick at a small rubber ball in front of 216 Emory Street and nineteen years later, after signing a contract with the Oriole's, adopted the name "Babe." The city where in 1826, an 8 year old Frederick Bailey retreated from the chains of slavery by learning to read and 21 years later, as Frederick Douglas, published the North Star, an abolitionist newspaper. The city where once upon a midnight dreary Edgar Allen Poe pondered, weak and weary and suddenly there came a tapping at his chamber door. The city where Marci Koch, an aspiring artist at 27, unpacked a Uhaul on a brisk wintry day in March of 1999. Various structures of different shapes and sizes decorate the Inner Harbor. At night, the darkness defines the scattered brilliance of towers, glowing wonders reflected in the water. The Lord Baltimore Hotel, once the tallest building in Maryland, glows gold, noble and proud. The king on a giant chessboard. The Legg Mason building stands at his side, his reigning Queen. The Bromo Seltzer building glows blue, dark and mysterious. The slender, square pillar resembles a castle. Clearly his rook. And the others scattered about, his bishops, knights, and pawns. Sprinkled upon red brick sidewalks, restaurants, shops, galleries, and hotels display dazzling signs that flicker and flash. Barnes and Nobles, Planet Hollywood, ESPN Zone. The Hyatt, The Hilton, The Sheraton Hotel. The Aquarium, Science Center, and Port Discovery Museum. A huge red and yellow neon guitar sits on top of the Hard Rock Cafe. The strings blink back and forth vibrating in the night sky. I imagine if it was real, all of Baltimore could hear it playing "Big City Nights" by the Scorpians. The sounds of the city create a symphony. The soprano squawks of seagulls, saxophones that compliment the deep sounds from ships in the harbor- a long, drawn out

Monday, September 16, 2019

A Single Tear

Paintings can have all sorts of meanings. Usually, painters use these pieces of art to express themselves on things they cannot normally do. Sometimes, it can also be a product of imagination. At times, they want to visualize a series of events into one artwork. These paintings turn out to be abstracts but along the lines and colors used, there is still a hidden meaning enclosed in them. This what makes paintings interesting and mysterious.The lithograph represents the typical Indian leader amidst struggles and tests of life. No matter how strong and determined a leader is, he still has his weak moments and the snow and wind symbolize the stumbling blocks. But no matter how difficult it may seem to be, the leader is always a leader and he must not let his fears bring him down.The Indian Chief showed his strength by leading his people in their exodus. Even if he is uncertain of what is about to come, he kept his people together and hand in hand, they are to face the challenges.Just by his name alone, I think Mr. Echohawk is an Indian himself. If not, he probably has strong affiliations with Native Americans. This Indian Chief which he portrayed intensely could be his ancestors. Maybe he learned of their story about the hard times undergone by the American Indians not so long ago.And since he was not there and could not be there, he imagined what might have taken place through this painting. Since it is difficult or impossible to describe through paintings the feelings of this Indian Chief, he used a single tear to speak for his emotions.The single tear that streamed from this warrior’s face signifies leadership. It does not mean that a good leader would not feel apprehensions anymore. Further, it does not mean it would make the Indian Chief less of a man if a tear drops from his face. Like a normal humanA Single Tear  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   2being and any other leader, he feels scared too. But this Indian Chief is driven by willpower and fortitude to deliver his people to safety. The leader also felt fear but his responsibility to his people vanquished these feelings of doubt and insecurity to what the future holds.The single tear reveals the imperfection of the human race regardless of our color and tribe. By imperfection, it means that each person despite of his stature and position becomes fragile sometimes. The Indian Chief in the painting is experiencing vulnerability but he must live up to his dignity and sense of worth.As to his case, what urged him not to give up is for the sake of his people who look up to him being the person in command. If he surrenders, then his people would lose hope. His courage marks the fate of the American Indians.The single tear also denotes faith and hope. Faith in that after the storm, the sun will shine for the Indian Chief and his people. Faith that the snow and wind is only temporary and it will end somehow. Hope is a positive outlook from which they get their strength to surpass all these trials and hardships. Hope that a brighter life is in store for the native community.History tells us that the Native Americans have a rich past which upholds both their ups and downs. They acknowledged their victories and defeats and learned from these experiences which made them a stronger community despite chauvinism and discrimination from the whites. What is important for them is their unity and pride as a race of principled people.  Finally, I really view this painting by Mr. Echohawk as an emotional one. It portrays a mixture of passion and sentiment. I wish my readers can see this painting for themselves. Rest assured that anybody can definitely empathize with me. Just like any struggling race, the American Indians are trying their best to save their bloodline in the midst of globalization and modernity. This trait is the one I truly appreciate.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Medicalisation of Childbirth

The concept of medicalisation Originally, the concept of medicalisation was strongly associated with medical dominance, involving the extension of medicine's jurisdiction over erstwhile ‘normal’ life events and experiences. More recently, however, this view of a docile lay populace, in thrall to expansionist medicine, has been challenged. Thus, as we enter a post-modern era, with increased concerns over risk and a decline in the trust of expert authority, many sociologists argue that the modern day ‘consumer’ of healthcare plays an active role in bringing about or resisting medicalisation.Such participation, however, can be problematic as healthcare consumers become increasingly aware of the risks and uncertainty surrounding many medical choices. The emergence of the modern day consumer not only raises questions about the notion of medicalisation as a uni-dimensional concept, but also requires consideration of the specific social contexts in which medicalisa tion occurs. In this paper, we describe how the concept of medicalisation is presented in the literature, outlining different accounts of agency that shape the process.We suggest that some earlier accounts of medicalisation over-emphasized the medical profession's imperialistic tendencies and often underplayed the benefits of medicine. With consideration of the social context in which medicalisation, or its converse, arises, we argue that medicalisation is a much more complex, ambiguous, and contested process than the ‘medicalisation thesis’ of the 1970s implied.In particular, as we enter a post-modern era, conceptualizing medicalisation as a uni-dimensional, uniform process or as the result of medical dominance alone is clearly insufficient. Indeed, if, as Conrad and Schneider (1992) suggested, medicalisation was linked to the rise of rationalism and science (ie to modernity), and if we are experiencing the passing of modernity, we might expect to see a decrease in med icalisation

Compare and Contrast Hrm and Ir Essay

Introduction There are various conceptions existing in the aspects of definition, academic boundaries and major functions of the fields of human resource management (HRM) and industrial relations (IR). The essay critically discusses the comparison and contrast on the key features of Human Resource Management and Industrial Relations in academic fields. On the base of review of the origins and transition of the tow subjects the paper will explore the general accepted definitions of the HRM and IR respectively. It will then go on to lay out theoretical dimensions of the two subjects, and looks at significant characteristics of HRM and IR. The last part assesses comparison and contrast between the two fields in the light of historical perspectives and literature review. Definition Transition of Human Resource Management The HRM terminology stems from the USA subsequences of human relations movement. In the counterpart, since the first British book on HRM published in the late 1980s, which was notably known as New Perspectives on Human Resource Management (Storey 1989), there have been a large volume of published studies investigating the definition of HRM in diverse standing and approaches. Ackers (2003) provided a general term on the definition of HRM, ‘HRM refers to all those activities associated with the management of work and people in firms and in other formal orgaisations. Although it is conceptualised by involving the entire breadth of HRM studies, it should be embodied to specific nature and pattern of the subject. Sisson (1990) sees HRM of four aspects of employment practice: an integration of HR policies with business planning; a shift in responsibility for HR issues form personnel specialists to line managers; a shift from the collectivism of management and, finally, an emphasis on commitment has further understanding of HRM. According to the classic work edited by Storey J (2007), HRM is defined as a distinctive approach to employment management which seeks to achieve competitive advantage through the strategic deployment of a highly committed and capable workforce, using an integrated array of culture,  structural and personnel techniques, which is a comprehensive understanding of HRM. Definition of Industrial Relations There is little doubt that Industrial Relations has become a subject of scholarly analysis since the end of the nineteenth century, when Sidney and Beatrice Webb (1984) couple published their classic series studies of the regulation of employment in Britain. Flanders (1965, 10) suggested, ‘The study of industrial relations may therefore be described as a study of the institutions of job regulation’, which prevailed for a time is beyond satisfaction of the academic study at present. The view that IR is the study of processes of control over work relations, and among these processes, those involving collective worker organization and action are of particular concern is more adaptable to generalise specific and precisely for the subject. (Hyman, 1975) Basic Theory of Human Resource Management In 1990, the launch of two influential journals, Human Resource Management Journal, edited by Keith Sisson at Warwick University, the International Journal of Human Resource Management, edited by Michael Poole at Cardiff facilitates the emergence of courses and models in HRM in universities and colleges. A large and growing body of literature has sprung up amongst which two notable theories is predominant leading, Fombrun et al’s (1984) matching model and the Harvard framework. Matching model focused on the connection between organizational strategy and HRM, in the meanwhile Frombrun et al divided HRM into four integral parts – selection, development, appraisal and reward stressing the significance of efficiency of work performance enhancement. Some commentators have even utilized the terms ‘high commitment’ policies to substitute for HRM (Marchington, 2005). On the other hand, the Harvard framework (Beer et al, 1985) involve six basic components with a broader expand from the inside out , that is, situational factors, stakeholder interests, policy choices, outcomes, long-term consequences and a feedback loop. However, neither of the models pays close attention to the respects of employment relationship. John Storey’s (2007) model is worth considering framework in HRM studies. Four key elements are summarized as foundational structure of HRM, that is Beliefs and assumptions, strategic  qualities, critical role of managers and key levers which activate HRM as an essentially tool and techniques for use by practitioners. However, many HR functions these days struggle to get beyond the roles of administration and employee champion, and are seen as reactive rather than strategically proactive partners for the top management. In addition, HR organisations also have difficulty in proving how their activities and processes add value to t he company. Only in recent years have HR scholars and professionals focused on developing models that can measure the value added by HR. Basic Research Interest of Industrial Relations Colling et al (2010) comment that Academic industrial relations is now outdated’ either the problem of the ‘human factor’ in work have all been solved, or they are better addressed by new approaches such as ‘human resource management’ or ‘organisational behaviour’, however, in the statement by the British Universities Industrial Relations Association (BUIRA), they strongly disagree the claim. During the initiative academic research in IR, predominant focus upon collective institutions and processes which embody trade unions, collective bargaining and strikes are the mainstream scope of IR study. Compared with the origin IR, modern IR emphasized on the experience of work, both individual and collective, and with all sources of the rules that govern the employment relationship. Therefore, IR was widely regarded as having two major subdivisions within it. The first dealt with the management of labour, the second with collective bargaining and methods of workforce governance (Russell Sage Foundation, 1919). By many accounts, industrial relations today is in crisis. In academia, its traditional positions are threatened on one side by the dominance of mainstream economics and organizational behavior, and on the other by postmodernism. The importance of work, however, is stronger than ever, and the lessons of industrial relations remain vital. Comparison and contrast of Human Resource Management and Industrial Relations The interrelation between HRM and IR is complicated. In one sense HRM was  considered as a subfield of IR in the early 1960s for majority of scholars, afterwards in prevailing contemporary conception HRM has largely been regarded as a separate subject underlying distinguish perspectives and divergent points of the field. However, HRM and IR do share some commonalities in matters of concern focusing on employment and workplace issues and recognition of the humanness of labour. Moreover, it is common to combine the two academic fields as one integral course named HRM and IR in contemporary university and college teaching. By contrast, John Storey (2007) proposes twenty-five dimensions to differentiate HRM and IR with the same key element in Storey’s model (Table 1.1). Furthermore, from the research interest differentials, it can be concluded that HRM largely takes an ‘internal’ perspective on employment problem emphasizing the solution to labour issues, while IR basically has an external view focusing on the workers’ and community’s solutions. The goal and function is not the same between the two fields. HRM’s primary goal is organizational effectiveness and takes a instrumental approach to promoting employee interests; IR’ aim is a combination of organizational effectiveness and employee well-being as well as employee’s interests priorities. HR assumes conflict not inevitable and can be minimized by management; IR sees conflicts as inevitable requiring third-party intervention. HRM and IR are distinguished in various respects with different standpoints and approaches. Generally, IR provides a multi-layer discernment of employment relationships, interconnections between the workplace, the company, the sector, the national regulatory framework in the light of multi-disciplinary approach involving sociology, political science, economics, history and law. Frequently, HRM teaching accepts management’s objectives uncritically, concentrates on activities at company level without exploring the societal and institutional environment, and has its disciplinary basis primarily in psychology and organizational sociology rather than the social sciences more broadly. Despite of the inevitable irreconcilable antagonisms between the two subjects, there is a closely link of HR and IR providing a complementary foundation of the exchange and development of the employment issues. Conclusion The essay discusses the definition of HRM and IR and significant features  in academic fields largely through an historical analysis of the two fields’ respective origins and development. HRM and IR fields are distinguished by numerous differences in their approach to research and practice. However, scholar on both sides have to give greater recognition to the fact that the different assumptions separating HRM and IR are only specialized tools for investigation and do not represent a full or universalistic explanatory model for studying the employment relationship for more explicitly research perspectives. Reference Ackers, P. and Willkinson, A. 2003. Understanding Work and Employment, Oxford University Press Bach, S(ed), 2005, Managing Human Resources, 4th edition, Balckwell Publishing Boxall, P and Purcell, J, 2008, Strategy and HRM, 2nd edition, Palgrave Bruce E.K, 2001,Human resources and industrial relations Commonalities and differences, Human Resource Review, 11(2001) 339-374 BUIRA 2008. What’s the point of Industrial Relations? A statement by the British Universities Industrial Relations Association Colling, T. and Terry, M. 2010. ‘Work , the employment relationship and the field of Industrial Relations’, in Colling, T and Terry, M (eds), Industrial Relations: theory and practice (3rd ed), Chinchester:Wiley, 3-25 Guest, D. (1987) ‘Human resource management and industrial relations’, Journal of Management Studies, 24(5), September: 503-521 Hyman, R. 1975. A Marxist Introduction to Industrial Relations. Basingsotoke: MacMillan. Paul Edwards edit , Industria l Relations Theory & Practice in Britain, Blackwell Publishers Ltd, 1995 Marchington. M and Wikinson. A, 2005, Human Resource at work, 3th editon, CIPD, London Miller, P. (1987) ‘Strategic industrial relations and human resource management – distinction, definition and recognition’, Journal of Management Studies, 24(4) July:347-361 Sisson, K. (1990) ‘Introducing the Human Resource Management Journal’, Human Resource Management Journal, 1(1):1-11 Strorey, J(ed), 2007, HRM : A critical text. 3rd edition, Routledge Redman, T . Wilkinson. A, 2001, Contemporary Human Resource Management, Financial Times

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Louis Vuitton Case Study Essay

The global luxury goods’ marketplace in the past decade has experienced nothing short of a complete evolution and transformation. This industry has endured global economic downturns in advanced economies such as the United States requiring them to branch out of their comfort zones and expand into emerging markets specifically the BRIC countries. These Asian nations possess high GDP rates that are anticipated to increase significantly in the upcoming years. Luxury goods were once a possession of strictly the wealthy, brand conscious consumer with a high disposable income. Within these developing economies reside a â€Å"new breed of young entrepreneurs and noveau riche consumers†, offering large potential within the middle class market for luxury brands (Pan). Although these countries offer significant promise, access will come at the cost of fierce competition, potential of counterfeiting and international trade barriers. Bernard Arnault, the head of the Louis Vuitton Moet Hennessy brands, recognizes that penetration, growth and development in these emerging markets are a critical part of the brand’s long-term global strategy. LVMH is the parent company of around 50 sub-companies that run autonomously and implements the Star Brand formula. The company is determined to capture the growing Asia market with particular focus on China, Japan, South Korea and India. Although these areas are quite affluent and familiar with Western luxuries, LVMH faces difficult challenges such as raising consumer awareness, counterfeiting, and emphasizing purchase within one’s own nation state. The recommendations of this case analysis addresses each of the challenges and offers both a short term and a long-term implementation plan. If LVMH executes the suggested recommendations, the organization will be a global powerhouse by both western and eastern standards. LVMH’s Mission, Vision and Core Values LVMH Mission: To represent the most refined qualities of Western â€Å"Art de Vivre† around the world. LVMH must continue to be synonymous with both elegance and creativity. Their products, and the cultural values they embody, blend tradition and innovation, and kindle dream and fantasy. Five Fundamental Values: Be creative and innovative Aim for product excellence Bolster the image of brands with passionate determination Act as entrepreneurs Strive to be the best in all they do Challenges Maintain Status as the Leader in the Luxury Goods Market Part of LVMH’s mission is to be the leader in the global market for luxury goods. LVMH is the world’s largest and most profitable player in the luxury goods market. They have established this with a product life cycle that emphasized product elegance, quality and uniqueness. The challenge is to stay on top. The vision of the company is to maintain its customer’s loyalty and its strong brand name, while finding new markets worldwide. LVMH is working hard at keeping its star brands in the limelight and constantly reinforcing the value of its brands. Economic Downturns Threat of New Entrants: Multiple distributions channels/marketing strategies Brand loyalty and recognition of larger companies Large investment cost for initial entrance Government intervention (import tariffs) A plethora of distribution channels are available for new entrants into the luxury goods industry. These marketing strategies include but are not limited to franchising, mergers and acquisitions. Many of today’s largest luxury concerns have achieved their success globally through implementation of these approaches. Although opportunity exists for new entrants, barriers are quite high in regards to qualitative and quantitative measures. Mature and established luxury goods brands such as Louis Vuitton and Gucci, have a strong brand loyalty and recognition amongst consumers, suppliers and retailers (Manning-Schaffel). Luxury goods raise awareness and sales to the public through marketing tactics, which are quite costly. With any product in the early stages of the product development there is a substantial initial investment required to create brand consciousness. This is most felt by small and or independent brands. A typical global advertising campaign is extremely costly and ultimately drives sales (Wittner). Lastly, depending on the country a luxury good is looking to penetrate government intervention and import tariffs may act as a barrier, especially in the Asian market. In China alone, import duties have increased from 10% to 30% since 2007 ( Regardless the amount of tariffs imposed and transportation costs make it quite difficult for new entrants into the  luxury goods global market place. Bargaining Power of Suppliers: Various suppliers available Independent sourcing initiatives Supplier bankruptcy Within the luxury goods industry, a suppliers’ role is to provide materials such as fabric, and raw goods in order to create the end high quality end products. The number of suppliers varies based on geographical location and specific material need. Hence supplier power can vary but in most cases is quite high. Therefore because some raw materials are limited and/or more costly across the globe many concerns are taking matters into their own hands. The brand Hermes is a perfect example of this. In the past the group had worked with crocodile suppliers in Louisiana, but due to high charged costs this changed (Wheeler). Instead the luxury group now breeds its own crocodiles in Australia independently in order to address global demands for the Birken handbag (Jlieman). During the current economic times and conditions many suppliers have been forced to file bankruptcy. This has a detrimental effect on many luxury concerns. According to one article, â€Å"the company would lose time trying to buy materials directly, resulting in a delay in the construction† (Jieman). The time it takes to switch suppliers is also one that is quite costly to the luxury concern. Bargaining Power of Buyers: Global economic & security crisis Brand recognition and perceived value High concentration of distribution channels There have been several notable economic and security crises that have occurred globally, which have had significant impact on the luxury goods market place. Therefore buyers (consumers) have a significant possess a tremendous amount of power. The last few years have shown that no country is invincible to recession. This point is evident in the Asian financial crisis, the current United States recession and most recently, the debt crisis of the European Union. Strict financials are not the only woes causing decrease sales in the luxury goods industry. Decline in travel is also attributed to security issues. These security concerns include the terrorist attack on the United States in 2001, as well the SARS outbreak and chicken flu within Asian in 2003. Each of these events has had a detrimental effect on the luxury goods market (Prince Associates 2008). Security measures have escalated tremendously and are conducted far more thoroughly therefore increasing travel. The luxury goods market therefore has seen considerable growth (Prince Associates 2008). Many residents within Asia will travel internationally for western goods due to perceived quality and value associated with specific brands, such as Louis Vuitton (Chadha). There is a high concentration of distribution channels of luxury goods ranging from high-end retail chains to privately owned boutiques. Due to the global recession, buyers within these channels have a substantial amount of bargaining power. It is important to note that this bargaining power varies significantly around brand. For example, Louis Vuitton and Hermes offer no sales or discounts to their products regardless of geographical location. Therefore there is little bargaining power possessed by buyers. It is this lack of negotiation to both consumers and buyers that increased the perceived value of brands (Noor). Threat of Substitutes: Counterfeit merchandise presence Increase in discounted designer goods Purchase of designer goods overseas versus in home country Although many financial opportunities exist for luxury brands to expand their availability internationally, there is also a presence for threats of counterfeits. These risks are most often associated to Asian markets, in particular China and Hong Kong. According to a USA Today article, it has been calculated that 80% of all confiscated counterfeit luxury goods originate from China (O’Donnell). This imitation merchandise is available through an array of distribution channels ranging from the street vendors to online store sites. These outlets allow for individuals to purchase these goods at a low cost regardless of geographical residence. Therefore, threat of substitutes is radically high. In a time of global recession, many designers have adjusted their products to a cost effective strategy. Products such as Prada and Gucci for example allow for their high-end merchandise to be sold at a discounted price in order to reduce inventory. In addition, designers such as Vera Wang and Dana Buchman have created lines to be sold at retailers such as Target and Kohls to appeal to the middle class (Coffey). Jimmy Choo who also offers a special line to H&M in certain geographical areas implements this sales strategy (Sibbles & Pidd). Louis Vuitton as mentioned above does not offer sales or discounts on any fashion or leather goods merchandise and therefore runs a high risk of substitution to price sensitive consumers (Noor). Prices are raised internationally in order to offset the price of import tariffs to certain geographical settings. For example for European luxury brands in order to import goods to the Asian market the price of the good significantly greater than one would pay in a European country. This has caused the threat of substitutions to rise. Competitive Rivalry: Large concerns economies of scale Availability of counterfeit merchandise Shift from â€Å"superluxe to simpleluxe† (Wheeler) Competitive rivalry is exceptionally high globally in the luxury goods market. This occurs because of the existence of many large economies of scale, availability of designer counterfeit merchandise, low cost designer products, and a shift from expensive elaborate brands to more simplistic less expensive ones. One reason in particular is that there are several large concerns of economies of scale. These concerns include but are not limited to Louis Vuitton Moet Hennessey, Gucci and Cartier. According to, â€Å"Large companies have advantages in economies of scale in operations, can more easily raise capital, and have strong name recognition†. It is with this available capital that successful advertising campaigns have been launched, driving market share and consumer brand loyalty. As mentioned previously, the availability and demand of counterfeit designer goods is on the rise. Availability of this merchandise decreases sales of the legitimate designer products. According to one article by Donald Brown a journalist from the Independent, â€Å"Research has found as many as seven out of 10 buyers of luxury goods are willing to â€Å"mix and match† designer brands alongside known fakes. And evidence has emerged of a soaring market for â€Å"lookalike† goods in which cheaper products are passed off as the real thing, simply without the designer label† (Brown). The depressed global economy has been named the main culprit in even the rich and wealthy seeking â€Å"simpleluxe vs. superluxe† (Wheeler). This transition defined in an article by Karen Wheeler is that many people, â€Å"†¦are looking for now is simple-luxe – smaller, accessibly priced luxuries that improve everyday life rather than flaunting your wealth† (Wheeler). This phenomenon has been seen across continents, as individuals are not willing to spend a month’s salary on a luxury good, therefore impacting the luxury goods industry tremendously, especially on sales of their bigger price tag items. Alternatives LVMH should introduce security labels to eliminate counterfeiting and for â€Å"gray-market† protection. Pros: Implement â€Å"intelligent security labels†, a unique label that will identify genuine Louis Vuitton products from counterfeited products. Louis Vuitton created the signature monogram Canvas to prevent counterfeiting. The company takes counterfeiting seriously and employs a team of lawyers and special investigation agencies that are actively pursuing offenders through the courts worldwide. LVMH is allocating a significant budget amount to counteract piracy of its goods. The company closely controls the distribution of its products; Louis Vuitton sells its products strictly through its own retail stores, small boutiques in high-end department stores and online through its website. Cons: Louis Vuitton is one of the most counterfeited brands in the fashion world  due to its image as a status symbol. LVMH faces a †gray-market† in Asia, where handbags cost 40% more in Japan than they do in France. Arbitrage business of handbags – people fly to France to buy handbags for the purpose of resale through parallel channels in Japan. LVMH should increase the number of Duty free shops and airport stores presence around the world. Pros: Over 100 million of Chinese travel annually and Duty-free shops are important shopping locations for Chinese travelers. On average Chinese travelers spend $928 on shopping in duty-free shops and airport shopping during their outbound trip. Shopping is considered a â€Å"must-do† by most Chinese travelers when traveling overseas. Chinese outbound travelers tend to be young (20-39 years old), well educated and with higher income, working professionals, tech-savvy and fashionable (interested in cutting-edge gadgets and latest fashions). Confectionery, fashion, fashion accessories and cosmetics are the most popular or international branded items purchased by Chinese travelers during their foreign overseas trips. India has been ranked as one of the fastest growing travel and tourism economies in the world both for inbound and outbound travel. India has an increasingly affluent middle class with growing disposable income willing to spend on luxury items. The product categories mostly purchased by the Indian outbound travelers on their trip abroad are confectionery, fragrances/perfumes, fashion and accessories, leather goods and cosmetics. Duty-free shops and stores at overseas airports are the most frequented purchasing places for Indian travelers. Shopping at Duty-free shops and airport stores is more impulse driven than pre-planned for Indian travelers which they expect to see various offers available such as exclusive fine gifts or exclusive fashion collections. There is not much else to do at most airports other than walk around window-shopping and occasionally making purchases. Cons: Price difference can be quite large from one duty-free to another, depending on its location, sometimes for the same size, brand and product purchased. Even though Duty-free shops do no apply local or national taxes and duties, shoppers may still have to pay duties in their home country on items purchased from a duty-free shop. LVMH should reach out to the middle-class  customers who are willing to purchase luxury items. Pros: Sales of luxury products are on the rise in Asia-Pacific area. Growing middle class in India and China is increasingly buying designer goods. In India, shoppers mainly comprise of â€Å"status seekers† and â€Å"technology savvy†. Cons: In order to make their products more affordable for middle-class consumers, LVMH might have to compromise on quality, by lowering labor costs or moving production offshore. Using less skilled workers and the ability to provide more merchandise lines to their stores, could make the brand less exclusive in the long run because of increase in popularity and mass appeal. Open manufacturing plant for handbags in India Pros: Reduce/Eliminate tariffs and transportation costs. India has an English-speaking population. Improved social and political stability in India. India has cheap labor force and will cost the company less to manufacture the handbags. Growing middle-class with disposable income willing to spend on luxury items. Cons: â€Å"Made in France† was an important selling point at LVMH, although 2 of 14 factories were in Spain and one in California. Customers expect western quality. Buyers in India are concerned with being offered the latest products and designs. The myth of the brand is linked to where the product is manufactured. Compromise on quality by slashing labor costs and making the products in India. Conditions in operations in India are not promising. Create new markets and advantages by introducing LVMH brands to children/teenagers Pros: Introduce LVMH brands to kids – they become lifetime customers. Create new markets by offering merchandise specifically to children/teenagers. These offerings will allow for womb to tomb mentality and increase customer lifetime value as well as brand loyalty. Cons: Investment and research is costly. Very risky. Small market segment. Recommendations Combat Counterfeiting Diversification of product lines and innovation is essential for LVMH to stay ahead in the luxury goods market. One-way LVMH to achieve this is to extend their customer base to include children and teenagers. â€Å"Many reports indicate luxury buying is supported more from Baby Boomer grandparents and relatives who are eager to spare no expense. Some experts even theorize that the lavish spending and pampering is due to an opposite psycho-economic creation to a person’s own strict upbringing,† (Mesa). Parents are also experiencing higher incomes and tend to save on certain items the families consume but are â€Å"trading up on products for loved ones – specifically children and pets,† (Mesa). Children also have more say in regards what products they prefer. Children and teenagers are experiencing higher allowances than we’ve seen in the past (Mesa). Louis Vuitton would not be the only luxury goods brand when launching children’s and teenage product line. Luxury goods producers such as Dolce & Gabbana and Versace embraced this opportunity and broadened their product lines by launching clothing lines. Dolce & Gabbana launched the ready-to-wear line D&G Junior and â€Å"offers a unique 2004/2005 collection aimed at newborns and pre-teens,† (Mesa). Versace rolled out a clothing line that target kids ages 4 to 14 (Mesa). This strategy may prove to be risky and LVMH will have place investments towards research and development and eventual marketing and advertising costs upon launch. The children’s market, although potentially lucrative for a business, is a small segment. However, Louis Vuitton, among other luxury brands, has already entered in the baby market through products like baby bags. This will provide LVMH with leverage in that particular product segment. â€Å"Since baby bags are more about a fashion accessory with functional benefits for parents to carry, it is not surprising that luxury handbag makers have jumped on the baby bandwagon,† (Mesa). Many products such as mini-handbags, jewellery, and shoes can be diversified and included in the children’s product line. Works Cited (2009). DATAMONITOR: LVMH Moet Hennessy Louis Vuitton SA. LVMH Moet Hennessy Louis Vuitton SA SWOT Analysis, 1-8. Retrieved from Business Source Complete database. Boorstin, J. (2005). Louis Vuitton Tests a New Way to Fight the Faux. Fortune, 151(10), 34. Retrieved from Business Source Complete database. CLCB Website (2009, October 22). LVMH Acquires Chinese Traditional Spirits Distillery: Could Westerners Be Sipping Baijiu In Coming Years? Retrieved February 21, 2010, EU Business Website (2007, March 31). India in Advanced Talks with EU to ‘Correct’ High Liquor Duties. Retrieved February 23, 2010, Fitszimmons, E. (2008, September 8). LVMH to Boost Awareness. Retrieved February 21, 2010, Foster, D. (2007, February 21). Dressing Lean: Louis Vuitton Edition. Retrieved, Haisma-Kwok, C. & Jones, G. (2009). Arnault Bullish On LVHM, China. WWD: Women’s Wear Daily, 197(109). Retrieved from Business Source Complete database. Kerns, J. LVMH Moà «t Hennessy Louis Vuitton SA. Retrieved February 20, 2010,

Friday, September 13, 2019

1. What Role Should the European Central Bank Play in the Current Essay

1. What Role Should the European Central Bank Play in the Current European Financial or Public Debt Crisis - Essay Example 3 The present European economic crisis has built up as a result of the countries within the continent struggling to pay up the debts they have been building up in the past few decades. Several countries within the union have failed to record an economic growth in turn failing to pay the bondholders their required guarantees. These countries include Spain, Italy, Portugal, Greece and Ireland. 4The crisis was exposed by the American recession of the year 2007-2008 that made many countries in Europe experience slow financial growths due to the unsustainable fiscal policies that most European countries were utilizing.5 The countries that had not made financial reforms such as Greece were the first to feel the pain of the crisis when they experienced very high deficits in their budgets which were also unsustainable. 6 Investors who had interests within the countries that were experiencing financial difficulties in turn demanded superior yields on their bonds raising the costs of these coun tries debts.7 The union’s central bank should resist the idea of printing more money so that they can buy out the union’s distressed debts.8 In the month of December 2011, the central bank availed credit facilities to the troubled financial institutions that were within the region. This move that the central bank has been putting much effort in has not helped in solving the continents problems, however, it helped in boosting the confidence of potential investors who now perceive the economies that were largely in debt as experiencing slow growths in their activities. This move has additionally helped in preventing the collapse of the economies of some member countries along with keeping the European currency stable in the global monetary markets.9 The union’s central bank should establish legal instruments such as the European monetary stability facility with the cooperation of the

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Computer Security and Biometrics Research Paper

Computer Security and Biometrics - Research Paper Example It is evidently clear from the discussion that due to recurrent technological developments, information and communication technology frequently diverts in new dimensions. The research and development in the context of information and communication technology is very effective. Moreover, the new and advanced form of technology has also facilitated vulnerabilities and threats to be more intelligent. Organizations require advanced protection and security from these threats and vulnerabilities. In order to protect information assets, organizations emphasize on implementing logical and physical controls to protect and secure organizational assets. Security issues can lead to many different aspects. For example, if the server containing customer data is breached, organization will lose its credibility and trust among the customer and that will result in business loss. Similarly, if a critical system is hacked by internal or external sources, organization’s financial data along with goals and objectives can be revealed to other competitors. For securing logical and physical threats, organizations implement firewalls to deploy packet filtering, eliminating viruses and malicious codes, intrusion detection system to continuously sense the behavior of the network, biometric systems for physical authentication of employees, incident response teams to recover the loss on immediate basis and IP cameras to monitor their critical information assets on the network. System Security As per (Dhillon 451), there are three types of controls that will address the three systems i.e. formal, informal and technical. Example of each one of these is illustrated as: Formal control: Modifying organization structure Informal control: Security awareness Technical control: Restricting unauthorized access Formal controls provide assistance to technical controls, as they govern and address issues of integrity in application and data that may lead to high risk and cost. Likewise, in order to govern formal controls, assignment of jobs and responsibilities is vital, as this allocation of duties and responsibilities will set alignment with business objectives. Formal controls are associated with management aspect that will deploy strategic security management practices. The security management will select employees from all departments of the organization where necessary. Moreover, the security management will address data protection legislations, security audits, regulatory compliance, legal and insurance issues, hiring criteria for employees, misconduct, risk assessment, incident management and response etc. Informal controls are associated with security awareness programs considered as the cost effective tool used to aware employees for ‘do’s and don’ts’ while accessing data or information resources. As risk environment is constantly changing, a comprehensive education and security awareness program is extremely important that will conduct periodic awareness sessions for new employees, or new technology or any relevant risk that needs to be addressed. Therefore, the security awareness program should be considered as a ‘common belief system’ (Dhillon 451). Lastly, the technical control that is not limited to authentication of a user along with assigning proper rights on an application or operating system. In order to apply confidentiality to data, encryption, hashing, encoding methods are adopted by organization. Likewise, smart card is the most popular one (Dhillon 451). Moreover,